Posted in Anniversary, Growth, Happiness, Inspiration, Life, Love, Memories, New, Talent, Visions, Welcome

Happy 1 Year Blogiversary “Lovebugsworld”!!!!


Lovebugsworld has officially made it 1 year!!  Thank you for all the love and support that I’ve received over the past year.  It has truly been a journey and I am so excited for the journey to continue.  I have met some of the most wonderful, amazing, talented, driven, (the list could go on) people through this blogging process.  Who would have known that blogging was a world within itself…..not me.  I am still in amazement from all the things I have come across over this year and I must say I have learned a lot.  And the one thing that stands out to me is that once you are apart of this world, you have so much love and support from all walks of people.  As I have stated so many times before, the direction that I intended for my blog to go in is not where it is.  But, that’s okay because my blog literally developed into something beyond my wildest dreams.  My goal is always to Bless as many people as I can possibly reach because I am Blessed and if that purpose is fulfilled, then I know I am doing exactly what He placed me here to do!!  If you take one thing from me that is to spread all of your awesomeness to as many people as you can possibly reach and exude all the love, passion, creativity, teachings, and all the great gifts that we all uniquely have and share it with the world!

As one of my favorite author’s says in a line from one of my favorite books “Oh, the Places you’ll go”…….

